No. Title Date
1701 Gene Tinnie at desert table 2007-12-12
1702 Fans with Mercury Morris 2007-12-12
1703 Two people enjoy party 2007-12-12
1704 Raffle tickets 2007-12-12
1705 Men talking near food table 2007-12-12
1706 Deacon Jones by food table 2007-12-12
1707 Man with microphone 2007-12-12
1708 Two women talking 2007-12-12
1709 Two men smiling 2007-12-12
1710 Man looking at raffle tickets 2007-12-12
1711 Man and woman smiling 2007-12-12
1712 Mercury Morris at food table 2007-12-12
1713 Eric Knowles speaking 2007-12-12
1714 Larry Little talking to another man 2007-12-12
1715 People sitting at tables 2007-12-12
1716 People sitting and eating 2007-12-12
1717 People in conversation 2007-12-12
1718 Deacon Jones signing autograph 2007-12-12
1719 People clapping 2007-12-12
1720 Larry Little looks on 2007-12-12