Gene Tinnie at desert table |
[2007-12-12] Gene Tinnie at desert table |
[2007-12-12] Fans with Mercury Morris |
[2007-12-12] Two people enjoy party |
[2007-12-12] Raffle tickets |
Men talking near food table |
[2007-12-12] Men talking near food table |
Deacon Jones by food table |
[2007-12-12] Deacon Jones by food table |
[2007-12-12] Man with microphone |
[2007-12-12] Two women talking |
[2007-12-12] Two men smiling |
Man looking at raffle tickets |
[2007-12-12] Man looking at raffle tickets |
[2007-12-12] Man and woman smiling |
Mercury Morris at food table |
[2007-12-12] Mercury Morris at food table |
[2007-12-12] Eric Knowles speaking |
Larry Little talking to another man |
[2007-12-12] Larry Little talking to another man |
[2007-12-12] People sitting at tables |
People sitting and eating |
[2007-12-12] People sitting and eating |
[2007-12-12] People in conversation |
Deacon Jones signing autograph |
[2007-12-12] Deacon Jones signing autograph |
[2007-12-12] People clapping |
[2007-12-12] Larry Little looks on |