No. Title Date
3701 Norwegian Sets Spanish Carpenter Shop in Order 6/9/68
3702 Boy in period dress riding on 'Mama,' the Restoration Commission's mare 6/25/68
3703 Demolition of the Smith Boarding House 1968-07
3704 Shingling the roof of the Triay House during construction 1968-07
3705 Loggia at the back of the Avero House, looking South 1968-07
3706 [Arrivas House, interior, woman making candles with three children watching, 1968] 1968-07
3707 [Construction of Ortega House from St. George Street, man working on windows, looking Northwest, 1968] 1968-07
3708 [Construction of Ortega House from St. George Street, looking Southwest, 1968] 1968-07
3709 [Sanchez de Ortigosa House in rear, Pottery Shop, looking North, 1968] 1968-07
3710 Hallway on the second floor of the Peña Peck House, looking North 7/1/1968
3711 Loggia of the Peña-Peck House, looking South 7/1/1968
3712 Northwest corner of the Peña Peck House from the corner of St. George Street and Treasury Street 1968-07
3713 South elevation of the Peña-Peck House, prior to restoration 1968-07
3714 Southwest corner of the Peña-Peck House from St. George Street, with a woman standing on the balcony 1968-07
3715 The patio of the Peña-Peck House, looking North 1968-07
3716 The patio of the Peña-Peck House, looking East 1968-07
3717 Southeast elevation of the Peña-Peck House 1968-07
3718 Rear view of the north wing of the Peña-Peck House, seen from the rear yard looking West 1968-07
3719 Woman standing in the doorway of the De Mesa Sanchez House with a horse-drawn carriage passing by on St. George Street 7/1/1968
3720 The Old Blacksmith Shop and a view down Charlotte Street, looking South 7/1/1968