Norwegian Sets Spanish Carpenter Shop in Order  

[6/9/68] Norwegian Sets Spanish Carpenter Shop in Order
[6/25/68] Boy in period dress riding on 'Mama,' the Restoration Commission's mare

Boy in period dress riding on 'Mama,' the Restoration Commission's mare  

[6/25/68] Boy in period dress riding on 'Mama,' the Restoration Commission's mare
[1968-07] Demolition of the Smith Boarding House

Demolition of the Smith Boarding House  

[1968-07] Demolition of the Smith Boarding House
[1968-07] Shingling the roof of the Triay House during construction

Shingling the roof of the Triay House during construction  

[1968-07] Shingling the roof of the Triay House during construction
[1968-07] Loggia at the back of the Avero House, looking South

Loggia at the back of the Avero House, looking South  

[1968-07] Loggia at the back of the Avero House, looking South

[Arrivas House, interior, woman making candles with three children watching, 1968]  

[1968-07] [Arrivas House, interior, woman making candles with three children watching, 1968]

[Construction of Ortega House from St. George Street, man working on windows, looking Northwest, 1968]  

[1968-07] [Construction of Ortega House from St. George Street, man working on windows, looking Northwest, 1968]

[Construction of Ortega House from St. George Street, looking Southwest, 1968]  

[1968-07] [Construction of Ortega House from St. George Street, looking Southwest, 1968]

[Sanchez de Ortigosa House in rear, Pottery Shop, looking North, 1968]  

[1968-07] [Sanchez de Ortigosa House in rear, Pottery Shop, looking North, 1968]
[7/1/1968] Hallway on the second floor of the Peña Peck House, looking North

Hallway on the second floor of the Peña Peck House, looking North  

[7/1/1968] Hallway on the second floor of the Peña Peck House, looking North
[7/1/1968] Loggia of the Peña-Peck House, looking South

Loggia of the Peña-Peck House, looking South  

[7/1/1968] Loggia of the Peña-Peck House, looking South
[1968-07] Northwest corner of the Peña Peck House from the corner of St. George Street and Treasury Street

Northwest corner of the Peña Peck House from the corner of St. George Street and Treasury Street  

[1968-07] Northwest corner of the Peña Peck House from the corner of St. George Street and Treasury Street
[1968-07] South elevation of the Peña-Peck House, prior to restoration

South elevation of the Peña-Peck House, prior to restoration  

[1968-07] South elevation of the Peña-Peck House, prior to restoration
[1968-07] Southwest corner of the Peña-Peck House from St. George Street, with a woman standing on the balcony

Southwest corner of the Peña-Peck House from St. George Street, with a woman standing on the balcony  

[1968-07] Southwest corner of the Peña-Peck House from St. George Street, with a woman standing on the balcony
[1968-07] The patio of the Peña-Peck House, looking North

The patio of the Peña-Peck House, looking North  

[1968-07] The patio of the Peña-Peck House, looking North
[1968-07] The patio of the Peña-Peck House, looking East

The patio of the Peña-Peck House, looking East  

[1968-07] The patio of the Peña-Peck House, looking East
[1968-07] Southeast elevation of the Peña-Peck House

Southeast elevation of the Peña-Peck House  

[1968-07] Southeast elevation of the Peña-Peck House
[1968-07] Rear view of the north wing of the Peña-Peck House, seen from the rear yard looking West

Rear view of the north wing of the Peña-Peck House, seen from the rear yard looking West  

[1968-07] Rear view of the north wing of the Peña-Peck House, seen from the rear yard looking West
[7/1/1968] Woman standing in the doorway of the De Mesa Sanchez House with a horse-drawn carriage passing by on St. George Street

Woman standing in the doorway of the De Mesa Sanchez House with a horse-drawn carriage passing by on St. George Street  

[7/1/1968] Woman standing in the doorway of the De Mesa Sanchez House with a horse-drawn carriage passing by on St. George Street
[7/1/1968] The Old Blacksmith Shop and a view down Charlotte Street, looking South

The Old Blacksmith Shop and a view down Charlotte Street, looking South  

[7/1/1968] The Old Blacksmith Shop and a view down Charlotte Street, looking South