No. Title Date
1 Beyond 'dangerous' climate change 2011
2 Climate Change Evidence & Causes 2014-02-27
3 Four degrees and beyond 2010-11
4 Genetic consequences of climate change for northern plants 2012
5 Limacina helicina shell dissolution as an indicator of declining habitat suitability due to ocean acidification in the California Current Ecosystem 2014
6 On a collision course: competition and dispersal differences create no-analogue communities and cause extinctions during climate change 2012-01-04
7 Regional temperature and precipitation changes under high-end ( ³4°C) global warming 2011
8 Rethinking adaptation for a 4C world 2011
9 Sea-level rise and its possible impacts given a 'beyond 4 degree celsius world' in the twenty-first century 2011
10 Stability of ice-sheet grounding lines 2010
11 Water availability in +2 degrees Celsius and +4 degrees Celsius worlds 2011
12 When could global warming reach 4 degrees C? 2011