No. Title Date
1 The Response of Vegetation on the Andean Flank in Western Amazonia to Pleistocene Climate Change
2 Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Evidence for Ice-Sheet Presence on Southern Greenland During the Last Interglacial
3 Society and Sea Level Rise 2004-03-19
4 Paleoclimatic Evidence for Future Ice-Sheet Instability and Rapid Sea-Level Rise 2006
5 Measurements of Time-Variable Gravity Show Mass Loss in Antarctica 2006
6 E-Letter response to: Perspective: Society and Sea Level Rise Requires Modelling 2007
7 Glaciers Dominate Eustatic Sea-Level Rise in the 21st Century 2007
8 A Semi-Empirical Approach to Projecting Future Sea-Level Rise 2007-01-19
9 Recent Climate Observations Compared to Projections 2007-05-04
10 Long-Term Sea-Level Fluctuations Driven by Ocean Basin Dynamics 2008
11 A Chronology of Paleozoic Sea-Level Changes 2008
12 Global Warming, Elevational Range Shifts, and Lowland Biotic Attrition in the Wet Tropics 2008
13 Stationary is Dead 2008-02-01
14 Transient Simulation of Last Deglaciation with a New Mechanism for Bolling-Allerod Warming 2009
15 Recent Warming Reverses Long-Term Arctic Cooling 2009
16 Penultimate Deglacial Sea-Level Timing from Uranium/Thorium Dating of Tahitian Corals 2009
17 Reassessment of the Potential Sea-Level Rise from a Collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet 2009
18 Partititioning Recent Greenland Mass Loss 2009
19 The Sea-Level Fingerprint of West Antarctic Collapse 2009-02-06
20 Deep-Sea Temperature and Ice Volume Changes Across the Pliocene-Pleistocene Climate Transitions 2009-07-17