![[1905] Obituary for Guy Bradley](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/EP/00/13/00/01/00001/file1thm.jpg) |
Obituary for Guy Bradley |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Reclaiming the Everglades ( Contributor )
Publisher.Display: | |
National Association of Audubon Societies
Format: | |
1 p. : ill. ;
Subjects.Display: | |
Everglades (Fla.) Birds -- Conservation Bradley, Guy,--1870-1905.
Source Institution: | |
[1905] Obituary for Guy Bradley |
![[1913] Shooting up an egret rookery](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/EP/00/18/00/01/00001/EP00180001thm.jpg) |
Shooting up an egret rookery |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Reclaiming the Everglades ( Contributor )
Publisher.Display: | |
Outdoor World and Recreation
Format: | |
2 p. : ill. ;
Subjects.Display: | |
Birds -- Florida -- Everglades Feathers Alligator Bay (Fla.) Mud Lake (Fla.) Roberts family
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
[1913] Shooting up an egret rookery |
![[1914] Excerpts from Tropic magazine](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/EP/00/04/00/02/00001/file1thm.jpg) |
Excerpts from Tropic magazine |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Reclaiming the Everglades ( Contributor ) Perrine, M. C. L ( contributor ) Munroe, Mary Barr ( contributor ) Kunkel, Edward Heltzel ( contributor )
Publisher.Display: | |
D. LeBaron Perrine ( Miami (Fla.) )
Format: | |
21 p. : ill. ;
Subjects.Display: | |
Everglades (Fla.) Okeechobee, Lake (Fla.) Birds -- Florida -- Everglades Reclamation of land -- Florida -- Florida City Soils -- Florida -- Everglades Florida City (Fla.)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
[1914] Excerpts from Tropic magazine |
![[1914] Excerpts from Tropic magazine](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/EP/00/04/00/01/00001/file1thm.jpg) |
Excerpts from Tropic magazine |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Reclaiming the Everglades
Publisher.Display: | |
D. LeBaron Perrine ( Miami (Fla.) )
Format: | |
21 p. : ill. : ; 25 cm.
Subjects.Display: | |
Everglades (Fla.) Tamiami Trail (Fla.) Davie (Fla.) New River Canal (Fla.) Agriculture -- Florida -- Davie Birds -- Florida -- Everglades Reclamation of land Gifford, John Clayton -- 1870-1949 Munroe, Mary Barr Kunkel, Edward Heltzel Comstock, Bertha
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
[1914] Excerpts from Tropic magazine |
![[1915] Excerpts from Tropic magazine - Bird gossip](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/EP/00/04/00/03/00001/file1thm.jpg) |
Excerpts from Tropic magazine - Bird gossip |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Munroe, Mary Barr Reclaiming the Everglades ( Contributor )
Publisher.Display: | |
D. LeBaron Perrine ( Miami (Fla) )
Format: | |
3 p. : ; 25 cm.
Subjects.Display: | |
Everglades (Fla.) Birds -- Florida -- Everglades Feathers Snowy egret Egretta alba
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
[1915] Excerpts from Tropic magazine - Bird gossip |
![[1920] Everglades scenery, circa 1905-1920.](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/VM/00/02/00/05/00001/001a_thm.jpg) |
Everglades scenery, circa 1905-1920. |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Matlack, Claude Carson, 1878-1944. ( Contributor )
Format: | |
5 postcards : col.
Subjects.Display: | |
Everglades (Fla.) Royal Palm State Park (Fla.) Birds--Florida--Everglades. Palms--Florida--Everglades. Royal palm
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
[1920] Everglades scenery, circa 1905-1920. |
![[1922-03-20] Mute Swans at the First Charles Deering Estate (Buena Vista, Miami, Fla.)](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/22/09/14/89/00001/FI22091489_00001_Matlack_164_17thm.jpg) |
Mute Swans at the First Charles Deering Estate (Buena Vista, Miami, Fla.) |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Matlack, Claude Carson ( Photographer )
Format: | |
1 black and white photographic print
Subjects.Display: | |
Wildlife Lake Swans Introduced birds Buena Vista (Miami, Fla.)
Source Institution: | |
HistoryMiami Museum
[1922-03-20] Mute Swans at the First Charles Deering Estate (Buena Vista, Miami, Fla.) |
![[1929] Photographs depicting Brown Pelicans, 1929.](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/CM/00/50/00/21/00001/001a_thm.jpg) |
Photographs depicting Brown Pelicans, 1929. |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Matlack, Claude Carson, 1878-1944.
Format: | |
4 photos. : black and white; 18 x 13 cm.
Subjects.Display: | |
Everglades (Fla.)--Photographs. Birds--Florida--Everglades. Brown pelican. Mangrove plants--Florida--Everglades. Ten Thousand Islands (Fla.) Red mangrove (rhizophora mangle)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
[1929] Photographs depicting Brown Pelicans, 1929. |
![[1931-06-12] Bird rookeries on Whitewater Bay, June 12, 1931](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/CM/00/50/00/14/00001/001a_thm.jpg) |
Bird rookeries on Whitewater Bay, June 12, 1931 |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Matlack, Claude Carson, 1878-1944.
Format: | |
11 photos. : black and white; 13 x 10.5 cm.
Subjects.Display: | |
Everglades Everglades (Fla.)--Photographs White ibis. Red mangrove (rhizophora mangle) Whitewater Bay (Fla.) Birds Mangrove plants--Florida--Everglades Birds--Florida--Everglades Swallow-tailed kite Tricolored heron
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
[1931-06-12] Bird rookeries on Whitewater Bay, June 12, 1931 |
![[1929/1933] Everglades birds, 1929-1933](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/CM/00/50/00/07/00001/001a_thm.jpg) |
Everglades birds, 1929-1933 |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Matlack, Claude Carson, 1878-1944.
Format: | |
12 photos. : black and white; 18 x 13 cm.
Subjects.Display: | |
Everglades Wood stork Everglades (Fla.)--Photographs Snowy egret Brown pelican White ibis Birds--Florida--Everglades Great egret Turkeys--Florida--Everglades
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
[1929/1933] Everglades birds, 1929-1933 |