Development of a methodology for the assessment of sea level rise impacts on Florida's transportation modes and infrastructures , synthesis of studies, methodologies, technologies, and data sources used for predicting sea level rise, timing, and affected areas in Florida |
Development of a methodology for the assessment of sea level rise impacts on Florida's transportation modes and infrastructures , synthesis of studies, methodologies, technologies, and data sources used for predicting sea level rise, timing, and affected areas in Florida |
The difficulty of finding smoking gun evidence |
The difficulty of finding smoking gun evidence |
Effects of Sea Level Rise and Other Climate Change Impacts on Southeast Florida's Water Resources |
Effects of Sea Level Rise and Other Climate Change Impacts on Southeast Florida's Water Resources |
Effects of sea level rise on energy infrastructure in four major metropolitan areas |
Effects of sea level rise on energy infrastructure in four major metropolitan areas |
Elevated East Coast Sea Level Anomaly |
Elevated East Coast Sea Level Anomaly |
The Emissions Gap Report 2013 |
The Emissions Gap Report 2013 |
Estimating 21st century changes in extreme sea levels around Western Australia |
Estimating 21st century changes in extreme sea levels around Western Australia |
Failure to migrate: lack of tree range expansion in response to climate change |
Failure to migrate: lack of tree range expansion in response to climate change |
Final Florida Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Reference Case Projections 1990-2025 |
Final Florida Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Reference Case Projections 1990-2025 |
Flood and Coastal Defence Appraisal Guidance FCDPAG3 Economic Appraisal Supplementary Note to Operating Authorities |
Flood and Coastal Defence Appraisal Guidance FCDPAG3 Economic Appraisal Supplementary Note to Operating Authorities |
Florida's Changing Sea Level |
Florida's Changing Sea Level |
Florida's Resilient Coasts |
Florida's Resilient Coasts |
Florida's Wildlife |
Floridian Coastline Recession |
Floridian Coastline Recession |
The Global Climate 2001-2010 |
The Global Climate 2001-2010 |
Global Climate Change |
Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States |
Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States |
Goodbye, Miami |
Governor's Action Team for Energy and Climate Change Phase II Process |
Governor's Action Team for Energy and Climate Change Phase II Process |
How the Experiences of Ancient Floridians Inform the Challenges of Sea-Level Rise Today |
How the Experiences of Ancient Floridians Inform the Challenges of Sea-Level Rise Today |