No. Title Date
1 CAPRADE Revista del Comité Andino para la Prevención y Atención de Desastres 2007
2 Disaster risk reduction 2006
3 Disaster risk reduction: a development concern ( external resource | internal citation ) 2004
4 Environment and vulnerability
5 Evidence and policy lessons on the links between disaster risk and poverty in Latin America 2009
6 Haiti: 'a gathering storm' 2009
7 Herramientas para la introducción de la reducción del riesgo de desastres 2007-01
8 Honduras: community-based risk management and intermunicipal cooperation ( external resource | internal citation ) 2005
9 Hunger, disaster, hope ( external resource | internal citation ) 2009
10 The Hyogo Framework for Action and the International Federation 2008
11 Indicators of progress 2008
12 Integrating disaster risk reduction into the fight against poverty 2008
13 Learning from recovery after hurricane Mitch 2009
14 Linking disaster risk reduction and poverty reduction 2008
15 Linking poverty reduction to disaster risk management 2005
16 Los desastres no son naturales ( external resource | internal citation ) 1993
17 Making social protection work for pro-poor disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation 2011-03
18 The MDGs after the crisis 2010
19 The municipal information system network as a basic tool for environmental and disaster risk management ( external resource | internal citation ) 2005
20 The need for rethinking the concepts of vulnerability and risks from a holistic perspective ( external resource | internal citation ) 2003