Herramientas para la introducción de la reducción del riesgo de desastres

Material Information

Herramientas para la introducción de la reducción del riesgo de desastres notas de orientación para organizaciones de desarrollo
Benson, Charlotte
John Twigg
Tiziana Rossetto ( collaborator )
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
Place of Publication:
Geneva, Switzerland
Provention Consortium
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Risk management ( lcshac )
Poverty ( lcshac )
Sustainable development ( lcshac )
Natural hazards and disasters ( lcshac )
Natural disasters -- Economic aspects ( lcshac )
non-fiction ( marcgt )


This document is a series of 14 guidance notes for use by development organizations in mainstreaming disaster risk reduction (DRR) into their programming, project appraisal, and evaluation tools for development work in hazard-prone countries. They are short, practical briefs intended to supplement existing, more general guidelines on these tools. Increasingly it is being recognized that much of the current development occurring around the world may actually be exacerbating existing vulnerabilities and disaster risks, posing a significant challenge to poverty reduction strategies and ultimately sustainable development. The rising economic and social losses, as well as negative impacts on community livelihoods emerging as a result of structural vulnerabilities to disaster have made this abundantly clear. In light of these growing realizations, the document calls for integrating DRR into all development planning and decision-making. This first requires understanding that poverty and vulnerability are intrinsically related and reinforce each other. Hence, poverty reduction strategies are an important component when dealing with structural vulnerability to natural hazards. The guidance notes discuss the collection and use of hazard and risk information; developing poverty reduction strategies; country programing; project cycle management; logical and results-based frameworks; environmental assessment; economic analysis; vulnerability and capacity analysis; sustainable livelihoods approaches; social impact assessment; construction design, building standards, and site selection; evaluating DRR initiatives; and budget support. The guidance notes identify entry points in the planning and provision of development assistance for considering the impact of potential hazards on development, and the impact, in turn, of development initiatives on vulnerability to natural hazards. It is also of relevance to stakeholders involved in the mainstreaming of climate change adaptation (CCA) into development. ( English )
General Risk Reduction ( English )
Scope and Content:
Prefacio p. 1; Agradecimientos p. 2; Nota de orientación 1: Introducción p. 5; Nota de orientación 2: Recopilación y utilización de información sobre amenazas naturales p. 19; Nota de orientación 3: Estrategias de reducción de la pobreza p. 33; Nota de orientación 4: Programación por países p. 47; Nota de orientación 5: Gestión del ciclo del proyecto p. 61; Nota de orientación 6: Marco lógico y matriz de resultados p. 73; Nota de orientación 7: Evaluación ambiental p. 87; Nota de orientación 8: Análisis económico p. 99; Nota de orientación 9: Análisis de la vulnerabilidad y la capacidad p. 113; Nota de orientación 10: Enfoques centrados en la sostenibilidad de los medios de subsistencia p. 127; Nota de orientación 11: Evaluación del impacto social p. 139; Nota de orientación 12: Planes de construcción, normas de edificación y selección de emplazamientos p. 153; Nota de orientación 13: Evaluación de iniciativas de reducción del riesgo de desastres p. 167; Nota de orientación 14: Apoyo presupuestario p. 183 ( English )
Benson, C., Twigg, J., Rossetto, T. (2007). Herramientas para la integración de la reducción del riesgo de desastres: notas de orientación para organizaciones de desarrollo. Provention Consortium.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Rights Management:
Any part of this publication may be cited, copied, translated into other languages ​​or adapted to meet local needs without prior permission from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent / ProVention Consortium, provided that clearly indicate the source of origin.
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dpSobek Membership

Disaster Risk Reduction