No. Title Date
1 Manual on flood preparedness program for provincial and district level authorities in the Lower Mekong Basin countries 2006
2 Disaster preparedness and prevention (DPP) ( external resource | internal citation ) 2006
3 The evaluation of risks, vulnerabilities and response capacity in the Mercosur countries and associated country Chile ( external resource | internal citation ) 2006
4 Report for the evaluation of the DIPECHO action plans in South East Asia: 1998-2006 ( external resource | internal citation ) 2007-06
5 Evaluation of DIPECHO action plans in Central America (1998-2007) ( external resource | internal citation ) 2008-03
6 Andean Community Disaster Prevention Project (PREDECAN) 2005-2009 final report ( external resource | internal citation ) 2009
7 EU strategy for supporting disaster risk reduction in developing countries ( external resource | internal citation ) 2009-02
8 Risk Assessment and Mapping Guidelines for Disaster Management ( external resource | internal citation ) 2010
9 EC: Commission decision of on the financing of humanitarian actions in the Pacific from the general budget of the European Union ( external resource | internal citation ) 2010