Manual on flood preparedness program for provincial and district level authorities in the Lower Mekong Basin countries


Subjects / Keywords:
Risk management ( lcshac )
Urban development ( lcshac )
Natural hazards and disasters -- Floods ( lcshac )
non-fiction ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
Asia -- Cambodia
Asia -- Lao
Asia -- Thailand
Asia -- Vietnam


This document is a manual to improve flood preparedness planning in Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Vietnam based on needs assessments carried out by local disaster management authorities and practitioners. Flood risk is the expected loss due to a given flood event, which is a function of the probability of a hazard of a particular magnitude occurring, the level of exposure of critical elements located within the area, vulnerability, and the capacity of communities living within the impact area to react to the hazard. Flood hazard assessments utilize meteorological and hydrological parameters as well as river basin conditions to determine the nature of flooding in a particular location. The manual provides basic information about flood preparedness planning, particularly the arrangements required for its implementation. It discusses the most up to date concepts and approaches in regard to the different stages of disaster risk management (DRM): Risk Identification, Risk Reduction and Transfer, Adverse Event Management, and Recovery. The manual then describes the background information required to prepare a provincial/district profile and discusses why such profiles are essential to flood preparedness. It then provides a comprehensive overview of flood risk assessment, particularly the community-based methods involved in this exercise. Emphasis is placed on integrating the special needs of vulnerable groups into flood preparedness planning. The concluding sections of the document discuss the importance of establishing institutional mechanisms for flood preparedness planning and disaster management at the national, sub-national, and local levels. Though the manual focuses exclusively on the countries surrounding the Mekong Basin, the lessons for flood preparedness gleaned from the experiences in this region are easily applicable to other developing regions that experience severe hydrometeorological events regularly. With the increasing impact of climate change on the frequency and intensity of hydrometeorological events around the world, manuals of this sort will become of increasing importance. ( English,English )
General Disaster Risk Management
(2006). Manual on flood preparedness program for provincial and district level authorities in the Lower Mekong Basin countries. Flood Management and Mitigation Program (FMMP), Mekong River Commission (MRC), Deutsche Gesellschaft Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), European Commission Humanitarian Aid Department (ECHO), Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC).

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Rights Management:
Refer to main document/publisher for use rights.
Resource Identifier:

dpSobek Membership

Disaster Risk Reduction