Andean Community Disaster Prevention Project (PREDECAN) 2005-2009 final report

Material Information

Andean Community Disaster Prevention Project (PREDECAN) 2005-2009 final report 5 years supporting disaster prevention in the Andean community
Prevención de Desastres en la Comunidad Andina (PREDECAN)
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
Andean Community General Secretariat (CAN)
European Commission (EC)
Publication Date:
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Subjects / Keywords:
Risk management -- South America ( lcshac )
School safety and security -- South America ( lcshac )
Education -- South America ( lcshac )
non-fiction ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
South America -- Bolivia
South America -- Colombia
South America -- Ecuador
South America -- Peru


This document outlines the Andean Community Disaster Prevention Project (PREDECAN) implemented in the Andean countries – Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador and Peru – during the period 2005-2006. The project focused on reducing vulnerabilities to disaster and building disaster risk management (DRM) capacity “through the strengthening of policy, institutions, and the coordination of [DRM] activities” (p. 13). To this effect, the project also sought to create greater interaction among stakeholders at the national, regional, and community levels. The Andean Community Disaster Prevention Project (PREDECAN) was implemented in 5 stages. In the first stage (Stage 1 – Policies), DRM was internalized through the proposal of “National Strategic Agendas of Risk Management Strengthening” within each state. In the second stage (Stage 2 – Information and Knowledge), information flowed more freely with the development of the Andean Information System for Disaster Prevention and Relief (SIAPAD), which consists of 40 interconnected websites and has increased access to available information so as to improve coordination between national, regional and local actors. In the third stage (Stage 3 – Planning and Development), participants were able to achieve a level of sustainable development by establishing safe zones through local land planning, sector management and public investment, with climate change adaptation (CCA) in mind. In the fourth stage, (Stage 4 – Education and Communication), activities were carried out to strengthen learning and facilitate communication in the form of working with the ministries of education and the media with the introduction of risk management at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels and the creation of the Virtual Network of Educators and Communicators for Risk Management respectively. In the final stage (Stage 5 – Participation and Local Risk Management), the project found that there were multiple paths to local DRM, including food security and poverty reduction to name a few. In addition, more than 230 training workshops, attended by 8500 people, were conducted in areas such as civil defense and emergency management. While these proposals and outcomes are not new, this document on PREDECAN proves to be extremely useful given the detailed discussions on the processes followed at each stage, which allows for replication across other countries and regions. ( English )
General Disaster Risk Management ( English )
Garcia, A.C. (2009). PREDECAN: final report—5 years supporting disaster prevention in the Andean community. General Secretariat of the Andean Community (GSAC) European Commission (EC), Apoyo a la Prevención de Desastres en la Comunidad Andina (PREDECAN).

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Rights Management:
Refer to main document/publisher for use rights.
Resource Identifier:
9786124054129 ( isbn )

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Disaster Risk Reduction