No. Title Date
1 Adaptation to climate change by reducing disaster risk 2009-11
2 Aligning regional and global disaster risk reduction agendas 2011
3 An overview of environment and disaster risk reduction in the Arab Region 2011
4 Annual report 2007 2007
5 At the crossroads 2011-07
6 Cities and resilience ( external resource | internal citation ) 2009-11
7 Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Europe 2011-06
8 Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction institutional policy landscape in Asia and Pacific 2010
9 Climate change and disaster risk reduction 2008
10 Disaster reduction in Africa 2010
11 Disaster reduction in Africa ( external resource | internal citation ) 2009
12 Disaster risk reduction 2007
13 Disaster risk reduction 2006
14 Disaster risk reduction efforts in Zimbabwe 2004
15 Drought early warning and risk reduction 2011
16 Effective measures tu build resilience in Africa to adapt to climate change 2011-12
17 Extended programme of action for the implementation of the Africa regional strategy and disaster risk reduction (2006-2015) and declaration of the second African ministerial conference on disaster risk reduction, held in Nairobi, Kenya, 14-16 April 2010 2011
18 Gender perspective 2007
19 GFDRR partnership strategy 2009-2012 ( external resource | internal citation ) 2009
20 Global facility for disaster reduction and recovery 2007