Statement on Sea Level Rise in the Coming Century

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Statement on Sea Level Rise in the Coming Century
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Pursuant to our work plan, the Science Committee is missioned to provide the Task Force and its other Committees with an assessment of the magnitude and timing of expected impacts to Miami-Dade County from Climate Change. The sole purpose of this statement is to inform the deliberations now under way within the Committees which are already working to develop recommendations for the Board of County Commissioners and the Mayor as to what proactive measures need to be taken to minimize the negative effects of and maximize resiliency to the coming scenario. In order to plan both adaptive and mitigation strategies, it is essential to have as clear a picture as possible of that scenario and how it might impact our built and natural environments as well as our economic, social and cultural interests. The state of the science has become increasingly fluid since the United Nations' IPCCa ssessmentse arlier this year. Due to emerging knowledgec oncerningt he "feedback" effects of melting polar ice caps and defrosting permafrost methane release, it appears that the IPCC's projection of two (2) feet of sea level rise by 2100 may be alarmingly conservative. Indeed, the IPCC report predicted that we may see "open seas" at the north pole by 2070. Just the other day, 63 years earlier than predicted, we were treated to the celebratory announcements from global shippingi nterestst hat the so called" North Passage"is imminent. No one has a crystal ball so as to know with absolute certainty what the future will look like nor to know exactly when it will unfold. What is clear, however, is that in the exercise of the Precautionary Principle our work should now take on the greatest sense of urgency. As each Committee preparest heir initial recommendationsI, urge you to think out of the box and not be afraid to call for the bold actions that are required by both the nature of the challenge and the shrinking time needed to act effectively. Mindful of our role as an advisory body to the Mayor and the Board of County Commissioners, I am furnishing each with a copy of this transmittal, so that they will be kept aware of the status of our work. It is our plan to have our initial recommendations to them by the end of the year or sooner. Respectfully, Harvey Ruvin

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Florida International University
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