Climate Change Adaptation

Material Information

Climate Change Adaptation DOD Can Improve Infrastructure Planning and Processes to Better Account for Potential Impacts
Brian J. Lepore
United States Government Accountability Office
United States Government Accountability Office
Publication Date:


Scope and Content:
According to DOD, its U.S. infrastructure is vulnerable to the potential impacts of climate change. These could affect DOD’s readiness and fiscal exposure, and DOD has begun to plan for adaptation actions designed to improve infrastructure resilience. GAO was asked to assess DOD’s actions to adapt its U.S. infrastructure to the challenges of climate change. This report (1) describes potential impacts identified by DOD that may affect its infrastructure; (2) evaluates DOD’s efforts to conduct vulnerability assessments; (3) assesses how DOD is accounting for climate change impacts in certain planning efforts; and (4) evaluates the extent to which DOD incorporates adaptation into its infrastructure-investment efforts.GAO reviewed DOD documents on climate change, infrastructure planning, and funding processes; interviewed cognizant officials; and visited or contacted a nongeneralizable sample of 15 sites in various regions and from each military department.

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Florida International University
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