The L-31E Surface Water Rediversion Project Final Report: Implementation, Results, and Recommendations

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The L-31E Surface Water Rediversion Project Final Report: Implementation, Results, and Recommendations
Michael S. Ross
Florida International University
Publication Date:


Throughout the southern Biscayne Bay watershed, existing coastal wetland communities have been cut off from sheet flow for decades. With the expectation that reconnection of these wetlands to upstream water sources would alter existing hydrologic conditions and recreate a more natural sheet flow to Biscayne National Park, a demonstration project on freshwater rediversion was undertaken. The objectives of the project were to document the effects of freshwater diversion on: (a) swamp and nearshore water chemistry and hydrology; (b) soil development processes; (c) macrophyte and benthic algal community composition, structure, and production; (d) abundance of epiphytic and epibenthic invertebrates; (e) zonation, production, and phenology of primary producers in the nearshore environment, and (f) exchanges of nutrients and particulates between nearshore and mangrove ecosystems.
Preferred Citation:
Ross, Michael S. PhD, "The L-31E Surface Water Rediversion Project Final Report: Implementation, Results, and Recommendations" (2003). SERC Research Reports. Paper 1.

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Florida International University
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