Evaluation of the Management of Problem Alligators in Everglades National Park

Material Information

Evaluation of the Management of Problem Alligators in Everglades National Park Report SFRC-83/0
South Florida Natural Resources Center/South Florida Research Center, Everglades National Park
Terri Jacobsen
James A. Kushlan
Place of Publication:
National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
Publication Date:


The National Park Service strives to perpetuate the native animal life of the parks for their essential role in natural ecosystems (National Park Service 1978). In aquatic habitats, the ecological importance of crocodilians is being given increasing recognition by both scientists and wildlife managers (January 10, 1977-42 FR 2075). ( English )

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
South Florida Natural Resource Center
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