An Examination of the Modified Water DeliveriesProject, the C-111 Pro ject, and the Experimental Water Deliveries Pro ject: Hydrologic Analyses and Effects on Endangered Species

Material Information

An Examination of the Modified Water DeliveriesProject, the C-111 Pro ject, and the Experimental Water Deliveries Pro ject: Hydrologic Analyses and Effects on Endangered Species
South Florida Natural Resources Center, Everglades National Park
Thomas J. Van Lent
Ray W. Snow
Fred E. James
Place of Publication:
National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Endangered species
Wood stork


This report is primarily focused on the hydrologic aspects of Experimental Water Deliveries, Modiified Water Deliveries Pro ject, and the C-111 Pro ject relevant to the endangered species most likely to be affected by these projects: Cape Sable seaside sparrow (Ammodramus maritimus mirabilis), the snail kite (Rostrhams sociabilils plumbeus), the wood stork (Mycteria americana), the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus), and the manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Since these three projects are water resources management projects, the analysis is focused on the hydrologic effects related to the above fve species. ( English )

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
South Florida Natural Resource Center
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