Relation of Water Level and Fish Availability to Wood Stork Reproduction in the Southern Everglades, Florida

Material Information

Relation of Water Level and Fish Availability to Wood Stork Reproduction in the Southern Everglades, Florida Open File Report 75-434
South Florida Natural Resources Center/South Florida Research Center, Everglades National Park
James A Kushlan
John C. Odgen
Aaron L. Higer
Place of Publication:
National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
Publication Date:


The wood stork is a species of coloni;ll wading bird in the Everglades that is most sensitive to changes in the availability of food. Previous studies have shown that the initiation and success of wood stork nesting depends on high densities of fish concentrated in ponds and other catchment basins during the dry season. The extreme dependence of the wood stork on the cyclic hydrologic regime of the southern Florida wetlands makes it an indicator of the wellbeing and ecological stability of the Everglades. ( English )

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
South Florida Natural Resource Center
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