No. Title Date
1241 A Sunset Toast at Virginia Key Beach 2005
1242 Virginia Key Beach Park Trust Professional Service Agreement with the University of Miami, Department of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography RSMAS 2005
1243 Virginia Key Beach Park Trust's Capital Improvement Plan Summary for 2005-2006 2005-2006
1244 Summary Report of the Virginia Key Beach Park Trust's Capital Improvement Plan for 2005-2006 2005-2006
1245 Virginia Key Beach Park Trust's Infrastructure, Grounds, and Facilities Construction Projects for 2005-2009 2005 / 2009
1246 Virginia Key Beach Park Trust's Construction Schedule 2005-07/ 2006-12
1247 Virginia Key Beach Park Trust's Revised Construction Schedule 2005 / 2009
1248 Virginia Key Beach Park Trust's Infrastructure, Grounds, and Facilities Construction Schedule 2005-10 / 2009-12
1249 Virginia Key Beach Park Trust's Revised Infrastructure, Grounds, and Facilities Construction Schedule 2005-08 / 2006-12
1250 Virginia Key Beach Park Trust's Construction Projects Schedule 2005-08 / 2006-09
1251 Virginia Key Beach Park Trust's 2005-2006 Construction Schedule 2005-10 / 2006-09
1252 Blank Virginia Key Beach Park Trust Construction Schedule 2005 / 2009
1253 Virginia Key Beach Park Trust's 2005-2009 Project Group Schedule 2005-10 / 2009-12
1254 Potential Duplicate of the Virginia Key Beach Park Trust's 2005-2009 Project Group Schedule 2005-10 / 2009-12
1255 Altered Virginia Key Beach Park Trust's 2005-2006 Construction Projects Schedule 2005-08 / 2006-09
1256 2005-2009 Projects Summary for Virginia Key Beach Park 2005 / 2009
1257 Virginia Key Beach Park Trust's Infrastructure, Grounds, and Facilities Construction Schedule 2005-08/ 2006-09
1258 Virginia Key Beach Park Trust's 2005-2006 Construction Schedule 2005-06/2006-12
1259 Building Better Communities Bond Allocation Schedule for Virginia Key Beach Park 2005 / 2018
1260 2005 and 2006 Park Operations Schedule for Virginia Key Beach Park Trust 2005 / 2006