No. Title Date
301 The Eight Required Elements for Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy
302 Florida's Approach to Meeting the Eight Requirements for Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation
303 Document that Describes the Economic and Medicinal uses of the Park's Plants
304 Section 00700: Contract Clauses Section Part 2 of 3 for the Virginia Key Shoreline Stabilization Project
305 Section 00700: Contract Clauses Section Part 3 of 3 for the Virginia Key Shoreline Stabilization Project
306 Document that Lists Virginia Key Beach's Damaged Historic Structures
307 Virginia Key Beach Park Trust Presentation Proposing a Mixed-Trail Through the Park
308 Photos of the potential walking trail at Virginia Key Beach Park
309 List of Nature Trail Elements for the Proposed Virginia Key Beach Hiking Trails
310 Document that lists Virginia Key Beach Park's Nature Trail System and the Park's Access Road System
311 Virginia Key Beach Park's Application for the NOAA's Coastal and Marine Habitation Restoration Grant
312 Virginia Key Beach Park's Expanded Application for the NOAA's Coastal and Marine Habitation Restoration Grant
313 Virginia Key Beach Park Trust's Estimated Timeline for the Projects Listed in their NOAA Application
314 Budget Justification for Restoring Coastal Miami
315 Project Summary for the Virginia Key Beach Restoration Project
316 Aerial Photo of the NOAA Stimulus Grant Design Map
317 Virginia Key Beach Park Trust's Draft Application for the NOAA Stimulus Grant
318 NOAA Monitoring Plan in Support of the Virginia Key Restoration Project
319 Equipment Needed for the Greenway Trails Grant
320 Long-Term Budget Plan for Virginia Key Beach's Park Nourishment Project