No. Title Date
941 A Plan of the Ground Alloted by His Excelance Governor Grant for the Troops
942 St. Augustine the Capital of East Florida
943 A Plan of St. Aug.
944 Map of the General Surveys of East Florida
945 A Plan of Pensacola and its Environ.
946 Plan and Sections of the Look-out house at St. Augustine
947 The Coast of West Florida and Louisiana
948 The Peninsula and Gulf of Florida, or New Bahama Channel, with the Bahama Islands
949 Sketch of St. Augustine and its Environs
950 Plano de un Fuerte de…Panzacola
951 Plan of Mobile, Surveyed by P. Pitman
952 Inset of St. Augustine From: General Map of the Southern British Colonies…East + West Florida
953 A Plan of St. Augustine Town and its Environs in East Florida
954 S. Augustín Capitale de la Floride Orientale; La Baye de Spiritu Santo
955 A Map of the Road from Pensacola in W. Florida to St. Augustine in E. Florida
956 Plan of the city and fort of San Agustin, its environments and plan of attacks
957 Fort of San Agustin, Florida
958 Plano del Presidio de San Agustin de la Florida
959 Map of Florida Coast
960 A Sketch of St. Augustin Harbour, etc.