No. Title Date
861 Fort San Marcos of Apalache, 1680
862 Castillo, 1685
863 Mapa De La Ysla de La Florida
864 Fort San Marcos of Apalache, 1685
865 Fort of Apalachecolo, 1690
866 Fort of Apalachecolo, 1692
867 Castillo, 1697
868 Pensacola (Bay of Apalache)
869 Plano del Puerto de Panzacola [Pensacola]
870 Map of the Harbor Entrance and Harbor of Pensacola
871 Part of Pensacola Bay
872 Map of the Harbor and Bar of San Agustin, located in East Florida
873 Plan of the Port and Fort of St. Augustine in Florida
874 Castillo and poximities of Pilijiriba, 1703
875 Cove and River of Apalache and road from San Luis to San Marcos
876 Port of Apalache
877 San Marcos de Apalache
878 Carta Ydrogratica de las Costas desde la Bahia de San Joseph has S. Maria de Galves…
879 Map of Louisiana and the Course of the Mississippi
880 Map of Louisana