No. Title Date
301 Construction of the Herrera House
302 Construction of the Herrera House, covering the original foundations, looking North
303 Construction of the Herrera House, archaeological trench
304 Construction of the Herrera House, with sidewalks poured, looking Southwest
305 Construction of the Herrera House, original foundations exposed, looking East
306 Construction of the Herrera House, looking Southeast
307 Construction of the Herrera House from Charlotte Street, looking West
308 Herrera House courtyard, looking Southwest, 1967
309 Herrera House courtyard, looking Northwest, 1967
310 Neil Pope's Garage and Storage, Pope property, looking West
311 Neil Pope's Garage and Storage, Pope property, looking Northwest
312 Construction of the Herrera House, pouring the sidewalk, looking Northwest
313 Herrera House, Southern Bell Telephone workers in Spanish period dress, looking West
314 Herrera House interior, office
315 Herrera House interior, office space
316 Herrera House interior, Southern Bell Telephone staff around desk
317 Herrera House interior, Southern Bell Telephone staff in Spanish period dress seated at desks
318 Herrera House interior, lounge space
319 Herrera House interior, office area, Southern Bell Telephone staff seated at desks, Historic St. Augustine Preservation Board staff standing, 1967
320 Herrera House interior, Southern Bell Telephone staff at front desk, 1967