No. Title Date
3141 Coquina Warehouse interior, man cutting wood planks, 1967 1967
3142 Kjell Lunestad working on a chair in the "carpinteria" in the Sanchez de Ortigosa House interior, 1967 1967
3143 Items for sale from the "carpinteria" in the Sanchez de Ortigosa House 1967 1967
3144 A group of man standing in the doorway of the Sanchez de Ortigosa House on St. George Street, with the restoration of the Benet House in the background, 1967 1967
3145 Construction of the Sanchez de Ortigosa outbuilding (eventually a potter's shop), 1967 1967
3146 Bradley G. Brewer working a desk 1967
3147 Earle W. Newton working at a desk, St. Augustine Historial Restoration and Preservation Commission Member] 1967
3148 William L. Jordan 1967
3149 William L. Jordan and Earle W. Newton consulting maps and books 1967
3150 Sanchez de Ortigosa House from St. George Street, looking Northwest, 1967 1967
3151 A man operating a historic printing press in the Benet House, 1967 1967
3152 Northwest corner of Benet House from the intersection of St. George Street and Cuna Street, looking South, 1967 1967
3153 West elevation of Benet House from behind the Sanchez de Ortigosa Hosue, looking West, 1967 1967
3154 Sanchez de Ortigosa House from St. George Street, looking South, 1967 1967
3155 Sanchez de Ortigosa House from the corner of St. George Street and Cuna Street with Coquina Warehouse behind, looking West, 1967 1967
3156 Sanchez-Ortigosa House Description 1967
3157 De Mesa Sanchez House interior (as Old Spanish Inn), woman tending artifacts, 1967 1967
3158 De Mesa Sanchez House interior (as Old Spanish Inn), woman tending charcoal brazier, 1967 1967
3159 A bedroom with period artifacts on display in Arrivas House, 1967 1967
3160 Arrivas House interior with a woman in period dress making candles, 1967 1967