No. Title Date
2581 Bennett House prior to demolition for the construction of the Triay House, from St. George Street 1964
2582 St. Augustine Inter-American Center Presented To The OAS 1964
2583 Restoration Board Acquires Home Site 1964
2584 Reconstruction Begins On Another St. Johns House 1964
2585 Views of the Benet House during restoration, 1964 1964
2586 Benet House after restoration work is completed, looking South, 1964 1964
2587 Photo taken behind public restrooms looking North toward Salcedo House (on left) and Arrivas House (behind), photo has been mistakenly mounted in book under Benet House 1964
2588 Benet House from St. George Street, looking North, 1964 1964
2589 Last Look At An Old Landmark 1964
2590 Spanish Official Coming Here For Laying Of Cornerstone Of Spain's Exhibition And Cultural Center 1964
2591 Spanish Center Cornerstone Ceremony To Be Held Today 1964
2592 St. Augustine's Ties with Spain Seen as Strengthened With That Nation's Plans to Build Cultural Center 1964
2593 Clearing the lot in preparation for the construction of Casa del Hidalgo (Weinstein Grocery demolished), from the corner of St. George Street and Hypolita Street, looking Southeast, 1964 1964
2594 Clearing the lot in preparation for the construction of Casa del Hidalgo (Weinstein Grocery demolished), from St. George Street, looking East, 1964 1964
2595 Weinstein Grocery from the intersection of St. George St. and Hypolita, looking East, 1964 1964
2596 The rear of the Weinstein Grocery from Hypolita Street, looking West, 1964 1964
2597 Description Casa del Hidalgo 1964
2598 Loan Approved By State For Restoration Project 1964
2599 King Street Building to Be Purchased 1964
2600 Buildings Being Razed For Exhibition Center 1964