No. Title Date
2541 Pouring the tabby walls of the Gallegos House during construction, from St. George Street, looking Northeast 1963
2542 Construction of the Gallegos House from the corner of Fort Alley and St. George Street, looking Southeast 1963
2543 Gallegos House with unfinished poured tabby walls during construction, from the corner of Fort Alley and St. George Street, looking Southeast 1963
2544 Workers finishing (grinding) the front patio of Gallegos House by hand with stones, looking West 1963
2545 Architect Here To Plan Spanish Building 1963
2546 Exposing west wall footing at the Benet House on St. George Street prior to restoration, looking North, 1963 1963
2547 Exposing west wall footing and original tabby floor at the front door of Benet House prior to restoration, looking Southeast, 1963 1963
2548 Pan American Union To Participate In City's Anniversary, Restoration 1963
2549 Starting second layer of tabby walls during the construction of the Gallegos, seen from St. George Street 1963
2550 Tamping wet tabby into wooden forms during the construction of walls at the Gallegos House 1963
2551 Constructing tabby walls for Gallegos House, seen from rear yard, looking Northwest 1963
2552 Patio and south elevation of Gallegos House from the side yard 1963
2553 Tabby wall construction for the Gallegos House 1963
2554 Pouring the first layer of tabby walls during the construction of the Gallegos House 1963
2555 Two men grinding the surface of the Gallegos House tabby patio by hand with stones, looking East 1963-01
2556 Vice President To Be Guest At Dedication Of Arrivas House Here 1/9/1963 12:00:00 AM
2557 Vice President's Plans To Visit Here Confirmed 1/30/1963 12:00:00 AM
2558 [View of Arrivas House from St. George Street, looking Southwest] 2/1/1963 12:00:00 AM
2559 The South elevation of Gallegos House after completion seen from St. George Street 2/1/1963
2560 Woman standing at the courtyard entrance to Gallegos House with a carriage on the street 1963-02