No. Title Date
1141 Construction Technology, School of Technology 1980/1985
1142 Judy Blucker, Vice President, Office of Student Affairs 1980/1985
1143 Academic Center I, Bay Vista Campus 1980
1144 Academic Center I, Bay Vista Campus 1980
1145 Student Center Building, Bay Vista Campus 1980/1985
1146 Financial aid office 1978-04
1147 FIU media still 1980/1985
1148 Professor Mark Rosenberg during a lecture 1980/1989
1149 Registration at Tamiami Campus 1980/1985
1150 Sunblazers men's baseball 1980/1987
1151 Department of Performing Arts theatre production 1980/1987
1152 Department of Performing Arts theatre production 1980/1987
1153 Department of Performing Arts theatre production backstage 1980/1987
1154 Department of Performing Arts theatre production 1980/1987
1155 Dr. Yoshihiro Obata 1980
1156 School of Music performance 1975/1980
1157 Chorale concert with conductor Clair McElfresh 1975/1980
1158 Chorale group concert with conductor Clair McElfresh 1975/1980
1159 FIU symphony ensemble with conductor Yoshihiro Obata 1975/1980
1160 FIU symphony ensemble with conductor Yoshi Obata 1977-07