Usage Statistics for dPanther

The data below shows details for the views that occurred at each level of the collection hierarchy (Collection Groups, Collections, SubCollections).

These statistics show the number of times users:

  • navigated to the collection main pages
  • browsed the items or information about the collection
  • performed searches against the items contained in the collection
  • viewed titles and items contained within the collection

For the specialized item-level view details, see Item Views by Date. The Definitions page provides more details about the statistics and words used below.

Selected Date Range

The usage for all the collections appears below for the following data range:

From:     To:    

To change the date shown, choose your dates above and hit the GO button.

Summary by Collection

1 AAMK     AAMK Anello and Kerper 42779 4003 1779 2141 778 11620 26055
2 AKC     AKC Andrew Kaufman Collection 105410 9808 5324 8076 25588 7740 58334
3 ALAM     ALAM Abril Lamarque Collection 91663 7552 3311 3155 2485 3389 79898
4 ALL     ALL Search all Groups 25593228 205512 684 141811 4326518
5 BAUM     BAUM Baumgard Collection 45177 4948 2605 2260 1558 4440 34224
6 BDC     BDC Bernard Diederich Collection 80349 5836 2417 2657 2419 10397 62097
7 BN     BN Student Newspaper 209088 9183 3420 4756 5579 902 248937
8 CDFA     CDFA Cuban Diaspora Film Archive 0 873 722 198 0 0 0
9 CFJ     CFJ Commons for Justice 1188 245 145 76 553 53 361
10 CFP     CFP Carl Fisher Papers 24682 4079 1650 1877 1370 124 21495
11 CGM     CGM Coral Gables Memory 5381748 56432 11388 102576 40144 190902 5610900
12 CGM CGN   CGN Coral Gables Newspapers 150650 9370 3560 5156 4902 1752 135362
13 CGN     CGN Coral Gables Newspapers 150650 9370 3560 5156 4902 1752 135362
14 CLHP     CLHP Cuban Living History Project 38774 5701 2130 2854 3401 4550 25359
15 DAD     DAD Dana Dorsey 118909 7444 3601 3040 3060 7881 119580
16 DARLAC     DARLAC Digital Archive of Religion in Latin America and the Caribbean 74482 8901 3781 4636 13323 8673 44216
17 DOC     DOC Orozco 102712 14816 5382 6718 13808 14084 62646
19 DZA     DZA Diaz-Ayala 5237537 69147 8884 106355 501464 615531 4473444
20 DZA AKC   AKC Andrew Kaufman Collection 105410 9808 5324 8076 25588 7740 58334
21 DZA CCMS   CCMS Celia Cruz Music Score 34897 4617 1804 2394 7656 4303 18481
22 DZA CEC   CEC Carlos Estrada Collection 43901 7262 2121 2475 17564 6072 16179
23 DZA DACCASS   DACCASS Diaz Ayala Cassette 183172 7560 7284 13149 30928 9796 122807
24 DZA DOC   DOC Orozco 102712 14816 5382 6718 13808 14084 62646
25 DZA FTM   FTM Florida Topics in Music 64432 7952 2006 2700 29066 5500 24772
26 DZA JTAC   JTAC Jose Tain Alfonso 67734 13516 4218 5314 19238 11796 27520
27 DZA LGCF   LGCF GRAMMY 626592 41804 13228 13186 118636 33810 526622
28 DZA LLSM   LLSM Libertad Lamarque Sheet Music 249746 27416 7052 9372 49906 16144 167544
29 DZA RLWC   RLWC Rosa Leonor Whitmarsh Sheet Music 8526 1996 808 542 2640 696 3746
30 DZA TAGC   TAGC Aragon Garcia Collection 0 3708 2442 1370 0 0 0
31 FTM     FTM Florida Topics in Music 64432 7952 2006 2700 29066 5500 24772
32 GB     GB Greg Bush Oral History 5554 1235 424 396 2410 280 2127
33 GBC     GBC Guantanamo Bay Collection 33390 4838 2564 2281 742 6913 24722
35 HCO     HCO Havel Conversations 29942 7071 3346 3249 1572 3958 18739
36 JNG     JNG Goodsell Collection 103720 6095 2807 2613 1965 9963 86587
37 JPP     JPP Julián Peláez del Pozo Papers 5783 1926 950 701 908 562 3087
38 JTAC     JTAC Jose Tain Alfonso 67734 13516 4218 5314 19238 11796 27520
39 KET     KET Alan Ket Graffiti Archive 12282 4550 2045 2437 358 2829 4401
41 LGCF     LGCF GRAMMY 626592 41804 13228 13186 118636 33810 526622
42 LLSM     LLSM Libertad Lamarque Sheet Music 249746 27416 7052 9372 49906 16144 167544
43 MARA     MARA Mara River Basin 69605 10973 3868 3774 9548 7988 52790
44 MBDA     MBDA Miami Beach Digital Archives 2122430 65282 13242 104423 146770 205146 2133797
45 MCA     MCA Miami Metro 1308254 61329 12191 104467 78776 140348 1251614
46 MCA HASF   HASF Update-HASF 27509 6339 3300 2733 793 4927 17430
47 MCA MBVM   MBVM Miami Beach Visual Memoirs 136432 14599 3981 6511 14696 24322 115231
48 MCA MOH   MOH Miami Oral Histories 41044 9492 3529 3535 5136 5811 26984
49 MIALIFE     MIALIFE Miami Life 20082 3289 1281 1848 1275 395 16243
50 MILE     MILE Mile Markers 494255 21312 8168 12082 44888 19793 557106
51 MILE KWOH   KWOH Key West Oral Histories 35607 6513 3325 2688 1537 5414 26974
52 MOSAIC     MOSAIC Mosaic 0 1113 819 346 0 0 0
54 PHC     PHC Vietnam War Photo Collection 89578 9336 4395 3753 4503 12550 92796
55 RLWC     RLWC Rosa Leonor Whitmarsh Sheet Music 8526 1996 808 542 2640 696 3746
56 RTE     RTE Everglades Digital Library 1942192 63057 13212 102489 123538 220792 1755006
58 RTE TWO   TWO Tale of Two Women 66219 7937 3755 4268 1935 12725 51921
59 RTE WILD   WILD WILD 110246 15864 7072 6972 5300 16820 84294
60 SLR     SLR Sea Level Rise 312118 20159 4541 6037 65223 28553 240021
61 SPDLOC     SPDLOC FIU dLOC Collection 545803 8652 2892 4106 17363 47381 475525
62 SURF     SURF Surfside Collapse Oral Histories 1235 1126 741 326 275 43 251
63 TAGC     TAGC Aragon Garcia Collection 0 3708 2442 1370 0 0 0
64 TEQ     TEQ Tequesta 81402 7452 6697 2991 1395 1137 167807
65 USACH     USACH Unearthing St. Augustine 1052409 51318 4164 100640 24220 92782 1060692
67 WAH     WAH War and Health 14088 6630 3117 3043 1171 1267 5895
68 WILD     WILD WILD 110246 15864 7072 6972 5300 16820 84294
69 WPHLCDC     WPHLCDC Community Data Curation 12188 2903 1029 1388 2474 995 6294
70 WSC     WSC William Straight Collection 8278 2516 1178 1248 443 348 5267
71 ZOO     ZOO Zoo Miami 545638 12159 3118 4974 17100 164995 356420
72 TOTAL     ZZZ TOTAL 51910932 1829923 399487 1506256 7135442 2203668 21047514