Usage Statistics for dPanther

The data below shows details for the views that occurred at each level of the collection hierarchy (Collection Groups, Collections, SubCollections).

These statistics show the number of times users:

  • navigated to the collection main pages
  • browsed the items or information about the collection
  • performed searches against the items contained in the collection
  • viewed titles and items contained within the collection

For the specialized item-level view details, see Item Views by Date. The Definitions page provides more details about the statistics and words used below.

Selected Date Range

The usage for all the collections appears below for the following data range:

From:     To:    

To change the date shown, choose your dates above and hit the GO button.

Summary by Collection

1 AAMK     AAMK Anello and Kerper 40075 3946 1724 2072 572 11075 24237
2 AKC     AKC Andrew Kaufman Collection 91012 9672 5122 7804 22874 6846 48036
3 ALAM     ALAM Abril Lamarque Collection 87438 7486 3247 3068 2319 3142 76246
4 ALL     ALL Search all Groups 22235614 205442 684 137679 4116034
5 BAUM     BAUM Baumgard Collection 35367 4895 2559 2237 1348 4212 24926
6 BDC     BDC Bernard Diederich Collection 70723 5772 2363 2586 2182 9691 53554
7 BN     BN Student Newspaper 187926 9122 3361 4662 5301 869 228249
8 CDFA     CDFA Cuban Diaspora Film Archive 0 838 687 180 0 0 0
9 CFJ     CFJ Commons for Justice 659 189 99 46 344 25 153
10 CFP     CFP Carl Fisher Papers 21573 4026 1605 1841 1207 122 18636
11 CGM     CGM Coral Gables Memory 3266102 56364 11231 101553 38027 189582 3499884
12 CGM CGN   CGN Coral Gables Newspapers 145858 9252 3472 5010 4760 1674 131036
13 CGN     CGN Coral Gables Newspapers 145858 9252 3472 5010 4760 1674 131036
14 CLHP     CLHP Cuban Living History Project 35741 5640 2080 2755 3244 4385 22809
15 DAD     DAD Dana Dorsey 112992 7393 3554 3030 2765 7649 114252
16 DARLAC     DARLAC Digital Archive of Religion in Latin America and the Caribbean 65460 8836 3728 4558 12733 8282 36320
17 DOC     DOC Orozco 95564 14686 5274 6570 12894 13712 57060
19 DZA     DZA Diaz-Ayala 4814561 69077 8748 105488 483181 591579 4093725
20 DZA AKC   AKC Andrew Kaufman Collection 91012 9672 5122 7804 22874 6846 48036
21 DZA CCMS   CCMS Celia Cruz Music Score 31059 4550 1751 2317 7107 4116 15519
22 DZA CEC   CEC Carlos Estrada Collection 40477 7196 2068 2410 16155 5959 14410
23 DZA DACCASS   DACCASS Diaz Ayala Cassette 162512 7491 7175 12723 28260 8944 106217
24 DZA DOC   DOC Orozco 95564 14686 5274 6570 12894 13712 57060
25 DZA FTM   FTM Florida Topics in Music 54644 7816 1896 2548 26446 4922 18466
26 DZA JTAC   JTAC Jose Tain Alfonso 62578 13390 4114 5144 17932 11496 24278
27 DZA LGCF   LGCF GRAMMY 587780 41670 13108 12902 113246 32602 494840
28 DZA LLSM   LLSM Libertad Lamarque Sheet Music 237748 27286 6938 9170 47710 15686 158542
29 DZA RLWC   RLWC Rosa Leonor Whitmarsh Sheet Music 6238 1888 688 404 2372 434 2278
30 DZA TAGC   TAGC Aragon Garcia Collection 0 3618 2354 1320 0 0 0
31 FTM     FTM Florida Topics in Music 54644 7816 1896 2548 26446 4922 18466
32 GB     GB Greg Bush Oral History 4277 1173 360 297 2031 174 1511
33 GBC     GBC Guantanamo Bay Collection 30623 4788 2495 2243 609 6694 22418
35 HCO     HCO Havel Conversations 29002 7015 3286 3174 1346 3872 18255
36 JNG     JNG Goodsell Collection 94475 6036 2749 2546 1750 9347 78311
37 JPP     JPP Julián Peláez del Pozo Papers 4734 1870 891 646 716 494 2421
38 JTAC     JTAC Jose Tain Alfonso 62578 13390 4114 5144 17932 11496 24278
39 KET     KET Alan Ket Graffiti Archive 11559 4492 1985 2366 222 2767 4021
41 LGCF     LGCF GRAMMY 587780 41670 13108 12902 113246 32602 494840
42 LLSM     LLSM Libertad Lamarque Sheet Music 237748 27286 6938 9170 47710 15686 158542
43 MARA     MARA Mara River Basin 66552 10911 3798 3696 8034 7837 51560
44 MBDA     MBDA Miami Beach Digital Archives 1997925 65212 12984 102687 137992 203273 2021958
45 MCA     MCA Miami Metro 1277756 61261 11993 102887 74548 138991 1228513
46 MCA HASF   HASF Update-HASF 26904 6290 3234 2701 708 4898 17050
47 MCA MBVM   MBVM Miami Beach Visual Memoirs 131372 14533 3904 6329 13900 24007 111574
48 MCA MOH   MOH Miami Oral Histories 40065 9437 3469 3470 4890 5734 26467
49 MIALIFE     MIALIFE Miami Life 19233 3235 1242 1832 1130 387 15607
50 MILE     MILE Mile Markers 462524 21244 8076 11655 43169 18888 528533
51 MILE KWOH   KWOH Key West Oral Histories 34251 6459 3273 2645 1302 5303 26064
52 MOSAIC     MOSAIC Mosaic 0 1077 782 339 0 0 0
54 PHC     PHC Vietnam War Photo Collection 85711 9277 4339 3686 4212 12299 89607
55 RLWC     RLWC Rosa Leonor Whitmarsh Sheet Music 6238 1888 688 404 2372 434 2278
56 RTE     RTE Everglades Digital Library 1887878 62987 12961 100184 114131 218588 1714900
58 RTE TWO   TWO Tale of Two Women 64398 7875 3669 4175 1746 12621 50589
59 RTE WILD   WILD WILD 106590 15750 6948 6814 4752 16586 81768
60 SLR     SLR Sea Level Rise 294152 20091 4417 5478 60818 27575 228134
61 SPDLOC     SPDLOC FIU dLOC Collection 506034 8582 2827 3935 15830 45072 439849
62 SURF     SURF Surfside Collapse Oral Histories 1014 1079 697 313 147 42 221
63 TAGC     TAGC Aragon Garcia Collection 0 3618 2354 1320 0 0 0
64 TEQ     TEQ Tequesta 78005 7402 6655 2961 1227 1131 164659
65 USACH     USACH Unearthing St. Augustine 981894 51249 4044 99453 22623 91474 994406
67 WAH     WAH War and Health 13574 6571 3055 2948 997 1253 5735
68 WILD     WILD WILD 106590 15750 6948 6814 4752 16586 81768
69 WPHLCDC     WPHLCDC Community Data Curation 10417 2839 961 1265 2083 838 5273
70 WSC     WSC William Straight Collection 7019 2472 1124 1228 242 336 4300
71 ZOO     ZOO Zoo Miami 515800 12093 3019 4398 15960 162654 330753
72 TOTAL     ZZZ TOTAL 47886230 1829852 391187 1471614 6765738 2150475 17957622