No. Title Date
481 United States President Ronald Reagan standing on an airstrip in front of Air Force One in Jamaica
482 United State President Ronald Reagan and Jamaican Prime Minister Edward Seaga
483 Jamaica Defense Force
484 School children welcome United States President Ronald Reagan to Jamaica
485 Michael Manley
486 Michael Manley
487 United State President Ronald Reagan and Jamaican Prime Minister Edward Seaga
488 Press in a truck at Kings House garden
489 Nancy Reagan at Kings House, Kingston, Jamaica
490 United States President Ronald Reagan greeting school children in Jamaica
491 School children welcome United States President Ronald Reagan to Jamaica
492 Jamaica Defense Force
493 Nancy Reagan disembarking Marine One in Jamaica
494 United State helicopter Marine One
495 School children welcome United States President Ronald Reagan to Jamaica
496 A group of men, women and children waiting behind a chain link fence on the Bluefields Express dock
497 Street vendor selling fruits
498 Armed Forces of El Salvador (FAES) with a jeep
499 A group of people sitting in the Museo de Ambiente Historico Cubano
500 The BR 319 with road sign for Humaita, Transamazonica, and Porto Velho