No. Title Date
7041 Guantanamo Bay Naval Base 36 1995-09/1996-01
7042 Guantanamo Bay Naval Base 37 1995-09/1996-01
7043 Guantanamo Bay Naval Base 38 1995-09/1996-01
7044 Guantanamo Bay Naval Base 39 1995-09/1996-01
7045 Guantanamo Bay Naval Base 40 1995-09/1996-01
7046 Guantanamo Bay Naval Base 41 1995-09/1996-01
7047 Guantanamo Bay Naval Base 42 1995-09/1996-01
7048 Guantanamo Bay Naval Base 43 1995-09/1996-01
7049 Echo Village, Guantanamo Bay Naval Base 1995-09/1996-01
7050 Guantanamo Bay Naval Base 44 1995-09/1996-01
7051 Guantanamo Bay Naval Base 45 1995-09/1996-01
7052 Aerial view from plane, Guantanamo Bay Naval Base 1 1995-09/1996-01
7053 Guantanamo Bay Naval Base 46 1995-09/1996-01
7054 Handmade exercise equipment, Guantanamo Bay Naval Base 1 1995-09/1996-01
7055 Handmade exercise equipment, Guantanamo Bay Naval Base 2 1995-09/1996-01
7056 Handmade exercise equipment, Guantanamo Bay Naval Base 3 1995-09/1996-01
7057 Fashion Show, students from the Bulkeley Education Institute sewing class 23 1995-09/1996-01
7058 Fashion Show, students from the Bulkeley Education Institute sewing class 24 1995-09/1996-01
7059 Fashion Show, students from the Bulkeley Education Institute sewing class 25 1995-09/1996-01
7060 Fashion Show, students from the Bulkeley Education Institute sewing class 26 1995-09/1996-01