No. Title Date
1 Climate relate sea-level variations over the past two millennia 2010
2 Compaction of Holocene strata and the implications for relative sealevel change on the east coast of England 2009
3 Expert assessment of sea-level rise by AD 2100 and AD 2300 2014
4 A geological perspective on sea-level rise and its impacts along the U.S. mid-Atlantic coast 2013
5 Global analyses of sea surface temperature, sea, ice, and night marine air temperature since the late nineteenth century 2003-07-17
6 Holocene sea levels and palaeoenvironments, Malay-Thai Peninsula, southeast Asia 2005
7 Sea level rise projections for current generation CGCMs based on the semi-empirical method 2008
8 Spatial variability of late Holocene and 20th century sea-level rise along the Atlantic coast of the United States 2009