No. Title Date
141 Cutler Bay Township 2007-11-06
142 Summary for Policymakers of the Synthesis Report of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report 2007-11-16
143 Global climate change, war, and population decline in recent human history 2007-12-04
144 Decreased abundance of crustose coralline algae due to ocean acidification 2007-12-23
145 Florida River Flow Patterns and the Atlantic Mutidecadal Oscillation 2008
146 Potential Impacts of Climate Change on US Transportation 2008
147 Unnatural Disaster 2008
148 Target Atmospheric CO2 2008
149 Governor's Action Team for Energy and Climate Change Phase II Process 2008
150 Preparing for A Sea Change in Florida 2008
151 the Economic Impacts of Climate Change in Coastal Areas in Florida 2008
152 Global Warming 2008
153 High rates of sea-level rise during the last interglacial period 2008-01
154 Position Analysis:Polar Ice Sheets and Climate Change 2008
155 Position Analysis: Climate Change, Sea-Level Rise and Extreme Events 2008
156 Consequences of Climate Change on the Ecogeomorphology of Coastal Wetlands 2008
157 Tide Gauge Datum Continuity at Brest since 1711: France's longest sea-level record 2008
158 Review: Evidence for the accelerations of sea level on multi-decade and century timescales 2008
159 Healthy Solutions for the Low Carbon Economy 2008
160 Trip Report 2008