No. Title Date
721 Reprt of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Trends and Implications of Climate Change for National and International Security 2011-10
722 Request for Investigation into Possible Official Misconduct by Florida Elected and Appointed Officials on the Matter of Manmade Climate Change 2013-11-04
723 Resilient Coasts 2009
724 Resolution No. 2013-28142 2013
725 Resolution of the California Ocean Protection Council on Sea-Level Rise 2010-11-09
726 The response of mangrove soil surface elevation to sea level rise 2013
727 Response of salt-marsh carbon accumulation to climate change 2012-09-27
728 The response of the climate system to very high greenhouse gas emission scenarios 2011-07-05
729 The Response of Vegetation on the Andean Flank in Western Amazonia to Pleistocene Climate Change
730 Resurging North American Oil Production and the Death of the Peak Oil Hypothesis 2012-02-15
731 Rethinking adaptation for a 4C world 2011
732 Rethinking wedges 2013
733 Retreat of Pine Island Glacier controlled by marine ice-sheet instability 2014
734 Retreat of the East Antarctic ice sheet during the last glacial termination 2011-01-16
735 Retrospective and prospective model situations of sea level rise impacts on Gulf of Mexico coastal marshes and forests in Waccassa Bay, Florida 2011
736 The reversibility of sea ice loss in a state-of-the-art climate model 2011
737 Review: Evidence for the accelerations of sea level on multi-decade and century timescales 2008
738 Revisiting the Concepts of Return Period and Risk for Nonstationary Hydrologic Extreme Events 2012-10-03
739 Revisiting the Earth's sea-level and energy budgets from 1961 to 2008 2011
740 The Rise of Global Warming Skepticism 2012