No. Title Date
741 Contours on Bedrock of Florida Bay 1960/1970
742 Location of Buried Peat 1960/1970
743 Map Identifying Keys 1960/1970
744 Murray Key 1960/1970
745 Pigeon Key 1960/1970
746 Stratigraphy - Murray & Pigeon Keys 1960/1970
747 Umbrella - Rankin Key 1960/1970
748 Pollock Key 1960/1970
749 Cormorant Key 1960/1970
750 Cat Fish Key 1960/1970
751 Key East of Bottle Key 1960/1970
752 Club Key 1960/1970
753 Interior of Club Key 1960/1970
754 Lake Key 1960/1970
755 Samphire Key 1960/1970
756 Murray Key Index (Stops 81-XXI) 1960/1970
757 Aerial View of the Site I 1960/1970
758 Tarpon Bay Island Index (Stops 81-XVII) 1960/1970
759 Stream Channel: Sulfur-Iron Relationships 1960/1970
760 The Gallery Forest 1960/1970