Organizational features in the Dade County Public Schools |
Organizational features in the Dade County Public Schools |
Organizational survey Miami-Dade County Government preliminary analysis |
Organizational survey Miami-Dade County Government preliminary analysis |
Oriental tea gardens, Flamingo Hotel, Miami, Fla |
Oriental tea gardens, Flamingo Hotel, Miami, Fla |
Orovitz, Michael interview |
Orovitz, Michael interview |
Outdoor performance, James Estate, Miami, Florida |
Outdoor performance, James Estate, Miami, Florida |
Overlooking Biscayne Bay, Dallas Park Hotel, Miami, Florida |
Overlooking Biscayne Bay, Dallas Park Hotel, Miami, Florida |
Palm Walk, Miami, Florida |
Palm Walk, Miami, Florida |
The Palms Motel |
Pancoast, John Interview |
A papaya plantation in Miami, Florida |
A papaya plantation in Miami, Florida |
Parking and transportation survey of downtown Miami |
Parking and transportation survey of downtown Miami |
Pasarell, Ruth Enilda interview |
Pasarell, Ruth Enilda interview |
Pathman, Wayne interview |
Pinkney, Enid interview |
Pinkney, Frank interview |
A planning study for Coconut Grove |
A planning study for Coconut Grove |
Plutzik, Jonathan Interview |
Plutzik, Jonathan Interview |
Polio Pandemic |
The potential impact of the proposed Dade County west wellfield on the vegetational communities of northeast Shark River Slough |
The potential impact of the proposed Dade County west wellfield on the vegetational communities of northeast Shark River Slough |
Preliminary land use plan and policies for development |
Preliminary land use plan and policies for development |