No. Title Date
81 Parking and transportation survey of downtown Miami 1946
82 The plan for South Miami, Dade County, Florida 1960
83 A planning study for Coconut Grove 1974
84 Polk's Greater Miami (Dade County, Fla.) City Directory 1939
85 Polk's Miami (Dade County, FLA.) City Directory 1969 1969
86 Polk's Miami Beach (Dade County, Fla.) city directory. 1969
87 Polk's Miami Beach (Dade County, Fla.) City Directory 1971 1971
88 Polk's Miami Beach (Dade County, Fla.) City Directory, 1972 1972
89 Postwar plans 1944
90 The potential impact of the proposed Dade County west wellfield on the vegetational communities of northeast Shark River Slough 1988
91 Preliminary land use plan and policies for development 1961
92 Preliminary report for a general land use master plan for Virginia Key, Miami, Fla 1969
93 Profile of the Black population 1984
94 Properties owned by City of Miami
95 Properties Owned by City of Miami June 1958 1958-06
96 Proposal for sale of $700,000 auditorium revenue bonds (after validation by the courts) of the City of Miami, Florida 1947
97 Public schools of Dade County, Florida 1952
98 Recall petition record book 1 1935/1948
99 Replat of A Portion of Lot I High Crest 1955-08
100 Report of City Planning Board of Miami relative to Miami's railway terminal problem 1940