No. Title Date
181 Aerial view of the beach looking south at Lummus Park from the vantage point of Seventeenth Street 1964
182 Miami Beach Tourist Development Authority Publicity Department history of Miami Beach name 1964
183 Speech regarding Miami Beach hotel names, press release on Miami Beach history, and booklet of properties for sale 1964
184 Aerial view looking north from 4th Street, 1964 1964
185 Aerial view of Miami Beach looking west, 1964 1964
186 Aerial view looking north from Government Cut showing Greyhound Racetrack in South Shore, 1964 1964
187 Fourth of July celebrations and Baby Parade 1964
188 Aerial view of Miami Beach, looking north from Seventy-first Street 1964
189 Bass Museum addition under construction 1963
190 Aerial views of the Miami Beach Public Library 1965
191 Lummus Park looking south 1965
192 Aerial views of Miami Beach, 1960s 1965
193 Aerial views and pool scenes 1965
194 Dates of hotel openings in Miami Beach. 1965-12-17/2004-06-10
195 Miami Beach promotional hotel pool scenes 1965
196 The reputation of FLORIDA 1960/1969
197 Miami Beach 50 years 1915-1965. 1965
198 Miami Beach promotional shots of hotel pools and beaches in the 1960s 1960/1969
199 Miami Beach from Lummus Park to Allison Island, 1960s 1965
200 Golden Girl Contest documents, including letters from contestants, 1965 1965