Registered Voters: Miami Beach |
Registered Voters: Miami Beach |
Renderings and construction at the Theater of the Performing Arts |
Renderings and construction at the Theater of the Performing Arts |
Report on historic sites of early Miami Beach, 1991 and unidentified archive |
Report on historic sites of early Miami Beach, 1991 and unidentified archive |
Reports by the city engineer about beach erosion and protection |
Reports by the city engineer about beach erosion and protection |
The reputation of FLORIDA |
The reputation of FLORIDA |
Residence of J. N. Lummus, 1200 Ocean Drive, Miami Beach |
Residence of J. N. Lummus, 1200 Ocean Drive, Miami Beach ( 6 volumes ) |
Resident's guide to local services |
Resident's guide to local services |
Resolution No. 183 naming Lummus Park |
Resolution No. 183 naming Lummus Park |
Resolution No. 9808 |
Restaurants and Supper Clubs |
Restaurants and Supper Clubs |
Restaurants, apartment buildings, churches, banks and bakeries on Lincoln Road, Washington Avenue, 15th Street and 16th Street, Miami Beach, during the 1980s and 1990s |
Restaurants, apartment buildings, churches, banks and bakeries on Lincoln Road, Washington Avenue, 15th Street and 16th Street, Miami Beach, during the 1980s and 1990s |
Restaurants, shops and theaters on Lincoln Road Mall, 1980s |
Restaurants, shops and theaters on Lincoln Road Mall, 1980s |
Revelers and crowds celebrating on Miami Beach |
Revelers and crowds celebrating on Miami Beach |
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at the Miami Beach Golf Course, 2004 |
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at the Miami Beach Golf Course, 2004 |
Robert F. Kennedy greeted by Mel Richards |
Robert F. Kennedy greeted by Mel Richards |
Robert Reboso Interview/Bass Museum Curators/City Manager's Office |
Robert Reboso Interview/Bass Museum Curators/City Manager's Office |
Rock wall on boardwalk ( 19 volumes ) |
Rollins College Bulletin |
Roman Pool at Oceanfront and 23rd Street |
Roman Pool at Oceanfront and 23rd Street |
Roney Plaza and Roman Pools at 23rd Street, 22nd Street beach |
Roney Plaza and Roman Pools at 23rd Street, 22nd Street beach ( 44 volumes ) |