Air Meet

Air Meet  

Publication Date:  1936
Creator:  Matlack, Claude Carson ( Photographer )
Subjects.Display:  Photographers
Air shows
Source Institution:  HistoryMiami Museum
Air Meet
First Day of Auction for Lots in Coral Gables

First Day of Auction for Lots in Coral Gables  

Publication Date:  1921-11-19
Creator:  Matlack, Claude Carson ( Photographer )
Subjects.Display:  Coral Gables (Fla.)
Source Institution:  HistoryMiami Museum
First Day of Auction for Lots in Coral Gables
Photographer Chris Hansen relaxing on the beach surrounded by five bathing suit clad models.

Photographer Chris Hansen relaxing on the beach surrounded by five bathing suit clad models.  

Publication Date:  1974
Publisher.Display:  Miami News
Format:  8 x 10" Black and white print
Subjects.Display:  Photographers
Hansen, Chris
Source Institution:  HistoryMiami Museum
Photographer Chris Hansen relaxing on the beach surrounded by five bathing suit clad models.