Overtown Street |
Oxford Hotel |
Packard Building (Miami Beach, Fla.) |
Packard Building (Miami Beach, Fla.) |
Packing House with Crew and Small Steam Locomotive |
Packing House with Crew and Small Steam Locomotive |
Palmettos (Miami Beach, Fla.) |
Palmettos (Miami Beach, Fla.) |
Palmetto-Thatched Shack, Miami, Fla. |
Palmetto-Thatched Shack, Miami, Fla. |
Pan Am Seaplane |
Pan Am Seaplane Base at Dinner Key |
Pan Am Seaplane Base at Dinner Key |
Pan Am Seaplane Base at Dinner Key |
Pan Am Seaplane Base at Dinner Key |
Pancoast Hotel (Miami Beach, Fla.) |
Pancoast Hotel (Miami Beach, Fla.) |
Papal Visit: Parade Biscayne Boulevard |
Papal Visit: Parade Biscayne Boulevard |
Papal Visit: Parade Biscayne Boulevard |
Papal Visit: Parade Biscayne Boulevard |
Papal Visit: Parade Biscayne Boulevard |
Papal Visit: Parade Biscayne Boulevard |
Papal Visit: Parade Biscayne Boulevard |
Papal Visit: Parade Biscayne Boulevard |
Papal Visit: Parade Biscayne Boulevard |
Papal Visit: Parade Biscayne Boulevard |
Paramount Theatre |
Paramount Theatre |
Parish House |
Patrons dining on the sidewalk patio of Nunnally’s Restaurant |
Patrons dining on the sidewalk patio of Nunnally’s Restaurant |
Pennsuco sugar plantation, 1921-1922 |
Pennsuco sugar plantation, 1921-1922 |