No. Title Date
1 Panther and crocodile, 1883-1895?
2 Miami Beach Rod and Reel Club 1896/1958
3 Captain Thompson's Big Fish 1912
4 'Neath southern skies 1919
5 Killer Whale Aboard Yacht 1920-03-06
6 Killer Whale Displayed at Dock 1920-03-06
7 Game preserve announcement 1921
8 Alligator roping and wrestling, 1921-1927 1921/1927
9 Men with Fishing Catch at Miami Beach Rod & Reel Club Dock 1928-12-29
10 Catches Displayed at Bimini Dock 1929
11 Shark Caught by Fisherman (North Miami Beach, Fla.) 1930
12 Fishing Party 1930