No. Title Date
121 Sickle and Agogó for Obatalá 2001
122 Sickle, Flywisk, and Agogó for Obatalá 2001
123 Ifá Paraphernalia: Divination Tray, Opele Tray, Mazo Ifá 2001
124 Detail of Ifá Paraphernalia: Divination Tray, Opele Tray, Mazo Ifá 2001
125 Yemaya (drawing) 2001
126 Crown for Yemayá 2001
127 Crown for Oyá 2001
128 Yoruba Beaded Sculpture 2001
129 Yoruba Beaded Sculpture 2001
130 Detail of Yoruba Beaded Sculpture 2001
131 Detail of Yoruba Beaded Sculpture 2001
132 Detail of Yoruba Beaded Sculpture 2001
133 Cuban Ibeji 2001
134 Cuban Oshé Shangó 2001
135 Yoruba Ibeji 2001
136 Detail of Yoruba Ibeji 2001
137 Yoruba Ibeji 2001
138 Yoruba Ibeji 2001
139 Babaluaiyé Vessel 2001
140 Babaluaiyé Vessel 2001