No. Title Date
741 Sanitation Parade on Flagler; Clarance G. Pugh dances to Beat the Band. 1978-05-02
742 Sanitation Parade on Flagler; Clarance G. Pugh dances to Beat the Band. 1978-05-02
743 Trumpeter in Culmer Park 1978-06-16
744 Gay Rights Parade 1978-06-25
745 Warner House 1978-07-17
746 Warner House 1978-07-17
747 Haitians protest at the Winn Dixie 1978-08-08
748 Haitians protest at the Winn Dixie 1978-08-08
749 Haitians protest at the Winn Dixie 1978-08-08
750 McDuffie Riots 1979
751 McDuffie Riots 1979
752 McDuffie Riots 1979
753 Jesse Willingham sitting in chair on the porch of her shotgun house 1979-06-05
754 Armory gearing up for more riot duty 1979-07-17
755 Armory gearing up for more riot duty 1979-07-17
756 Child holding bottles in front of a row of shotgun homes 1979-08-18
757 Dolphins Fans. 1979-09-23
758 Lone picketer at Port entrance, Art Deco booklet 1979-10
759 Fidel Castro protest at Jose Marti Monument 1979-10-12
760 Fidel Castro protest at Jose Marti Monument 1979-10-12