No. Title Date
1 Park access and equity strategy
2 Virginia Key master plan : 2010, a forgotten natural wonder, a community planning process
3 Report of the Miami Beach Zoning Board of Adjustment 1944
4 Miami parking survey 1952
5 Economic study of the Port of Miami 1956
6 A report on schools & parks 1958
7 Community facilities plan, phase II 1960
8 Magic city center plan for action 1960
9 Dinner Key interim study 1961
10 Social problem levels in city of Miami 1965
11 Downtown Miami 1967
12 Downtown Miami 1968
13 On-site transportation requirements for a downtown Miami governmental center 1969
14 All should blow the trumpet for the ill-housed-- 1971
15 Northeast area study 1972
16 Downtown Miami 1973-1985 1973
17 Model City profile 1973
18 Brickell Wainwright Park 1973
19 Drug rehabilitation centers zoning study 1974
20 A planning study for Coconut Grove 1974