No. Title Date
1901 Climate Change Advisory Task Force, status of recommendations - August 2010 2010-08
1902 Sea-level rise and landscape change influence mangrove encroachment onto marsh in the Ten Thousand Islands region of Florida, USA 2010-09-10
1903 Conducting a scan of your college access and success system : Why it matters. How to do it. How to use it. 2010-11
1904 Design review standards for the North Beach town center TC zoning districts 2010-11
1905 Overtown greenway : 11th street terrace - NW 7th avenue to NW 3rd avenue 2010-11-10
1906 City of South Miami : Comprehensive Plan 2010-12
1907 Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise in Florida 2010-12
1908 Miami-Dade County : Green Print : Our design for a sustainable future 2010-12
1909 The impact of sea-level rise on Snowy Plovers in Florida 2011
1910 Retrospective and prospective model situations of sea level rise impacts on Gulf of Mexico coastal marshes and forests in Waccassa Bay, Florida 2011
1911 The Coral Villa Estates charrette area plan report 2011-01
1912 Comprehensive annual financial report for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2011 2011
1913 Assessing municipal vulnerability to predicted sea level rise 2011
1914 A Unified Sea Level Rise Projection for Southeast Florida 2011
1915 Between the devil and the deep blue sea 2011
1916 Sinking ships 2011
1917 Assessment of sea level rise impacts on human population and real property in the Florida Keys ( external resource | internal citation ) 2011
1918 Impacts of past climate and sea level change on Everglades wetlands 2011
1919 A region responds to a changing climate, Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact counties, draft regional climate change action plan ( external resource | internal citation ) 2011
1920 South Florida high intensity drug trafficking area : Drug market analysis 2011 2011