No. Title Date
1261 Racket-tailed drongo perched on a branch in its habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1262 Ramar the lowland gorilla in his new habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1970/1990
1263 Rating Analyses for Pump Statons (S140, S331, S6, S7, S8) 2006-02
1264 Rating Development for Flow Through Culverts Under SR 9336 in the Everglades National Park III: Final Report 2006-01
1265 Rating Development for Flow Through Culverts Under SR9336 in the Everglades National Park I: Concepts and Methods 2005-04
1266 Rating Development for Flow Through Culverts Under SR9336 in the Everglades National Park II: Rating Calibration 2005-04
1267 Recommended New Policies for Mangrove Forest Management and Restoration With Accelerated Sea Level Rise 2010
1268 Red forest duiker prancing about their habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1269 Red forest duiker walking around their habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1270 Red forest duiker walking through grass in habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1271 Red kangaroo resting at Miami Metrozoo 1970/1990
1272 Red kangaroo resting beside a fence in its habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1970/1990
1273 Red kangaroo sniffing at the ground at Miami Metrozoo 1970/1990
1274 Red kangaroo standing in the gravel and sand in its habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1970/1990
1275 Red ruffled lemur atop a stone structure in its habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1276 Red ruffled lemur seated high on habitat structure at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
1277 Red-eared wax bill perched on a branch at Miami Metrozoo 1970/1990
1278 Red-shanked douc infant holding onto its cage and looking down at Miami Metrozoo 1970/1990
1279 Red-shanked douc infant holding onto its cage edge at Miami Metrozoo 1970/1990
1280 Red-shanked douc infant looking downward sitting in its cage at Miami Metrozoo 1970/1990