No. Title Date
841 Investigation of Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions at S-7 Pump Station 2002-02
842 Island restoration and enhancement in Biscayne Bay, Florida 2000
843 The James L. Knight International Center 1977
844 Javan Banteng female nursing her young in habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
845 Kangaroo with its young in its pouch in its habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1989-01
846 Key deer eating hay in its enclosure at Crandon Park Zoo 1950/1970
847 Key deer looking up from eating hay at Crandon Park Zoo 1950/1970
848 Key deer standing in its enclosure at Crandon Park Zoo 1950/1970
849 Key deer walking in its enclosure at Crandon Park Zoo 1950/1970
850 The Key West bicycle master plan 2010-07-16
851 Khan and Bali, Bengal tiger clubs, roughhousing in the habitat field at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
852 Kissimmee River Eutrophication Abatement Project 2006-02
853 Knob-billed duck standing on the edge of its habitat pool at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
854 Koala asleep against a branch of their habitat tree in Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
855 Koala asleep on a branch in its habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
856 Koala clinging to a tree in their habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
857 Koala curled in the branches of its play structure at Miami Metrozoo 1970/1990
858 Koala curled up asleep in its habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
859 Koala curled up in the branches of a tree in their habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
860 Koala hanging on the side of a tree at Miami Metrozoo 1970/1990